Friday, October 08, 2004

New US homeland security cyber security chief

This will be the fourth person to hold this position in four years. Richard Clarke, Howard Schmidt, and Amit Yoran have also held the position. There is currently a bill working its way through the House that would elevate this position to one just below Tom Ridge, which would of course give the cyber security department and its chief much more clout within the Dept. of Homeland Security.

"The post was left vacant by the sudden resignation of Amit Yoran a week ago. Reports suggested he left because his team was not given enough clout within the Department of Homeland Security. The new acting head of the National Cyber Security Division is Andy Purdy, the former deputy director. "
[His] task is to work out how to protect US networks from disruption by the viruses, worms and hack attacks that have become commonplace.
[Yoran's] sudden resignation, giving only a day's notice, led to suggestions that he felt frustrated by the lack of prominence given to cyber security in the wider homeland organisation.

BBC NEWS Technology US gets new cyber security chief

Here are recent articles on Purdy listed on Google News.


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