Friday, May 07, 2004

How do memes spread across the blogosphere?

Here's a cool article in Wired News about how memes travel across the blogosphere. As Susan Crawford sort of said once (I've modified it to be more blogerific), it's so bloggy to blog about blogging, but it's fun. How the Word Gets Around:

"The Brandeis University senior had been reading various studies that looked at historical data on the way information works its way across the Internet. But he was more interested in seeing if he could figure out, in real time, the trajectory of a meme once it hits the blogosphere. So he came up with a plan to find out. He called it the Memespread Project. "
"Rather than doing it retroactively," Arbesman says, "I thought I'd try to inject a meme into the blogspace and see what happens and try to track it. In this case, the meme was the project itself."

Via Wired.


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