Friday, July 30, 2004

Farmers in Vietnam keen on trademarks

More on trademarks in Vietnam. Farmers are teaming up to get their trademarking on.

The Vietnam Farm Produce Trademark Building Club made its debut on Friday, attracting nearly 30 Vietnamese businesses.

Director of Trung Nguyen Coffee, Dang Le Nguyen Vu, a founding member of the club, explained that the club selected farm produce to build trademarks because up to 80 percent of the Vietnamese population lives on agricultural production.

Mr Vu said most of the Vietnamese farm produce are unprocessed, therefore, they do not create high values for farmers to increase their revenues.
“Up to 90 percent of Vietnam’s farm produce is exported through intermediary channels at lower prices,“ Mr Vu said, “These products are then stamped with foreign trademarks and sold at higher prices. In the end, Vietnamese farmers are the losers.”

He said: ”It is time to build trademarks for Vietnamese farm produce to maintain and raise the quality and prestige of our products. It is the only way to increase the value of our products and improve farmers’ living conditions.”

Good stuff. The Voice of Vietnam article here.

UPDATE: Here's more on tradmarks in the fashion sector of Vietnam's economy. Check out the prices for clothes.

Apparently this trademark stuff is big news in Vietnam these days, at least at the The Voice of Vietnam.


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